Staging Space –
Exploratory of spatial
experiences in virtual reality.

Brand Architecture
in an extended reality.

At MEAxr we put our attention to the spatial experience. We are trained and experienced in spatial design and through our traditions and modes of spatial thinking are uniquely positioned to contribute to the field of immersive virtual space design. But virtual space presents inherently different opportunities and limitations than physical space. Virtual Reality is not to be understood as a tool but as an medium in itself.

At MEAxr we are diving into the new now of exploring the “physical experience” of brand identity in virtual space – exploring a new way of online luxury shopping, product presentation and live visual experiences.

Up until this point, our interfacing with the virtual realm has largely been through flat screens. The recent widespread release of virtual reality devices, e.g. Oculus Rift, presents a new opportunity of experiencing spatial virtual space.

Copyright © 2022, MEA brand building GmbH. All rights reserved.

Bleibtreustraße 38, 10623 Berlin, +49 (30) 3 999 35 -0