Controlling window- and
pos-campaigns in real time

Digital administration, control & order processing of shop window decorations and all measures at the POS.

MEA has been realizing shop window decorations and POS campaigns for selective branded cosmetics for more than 20 years and is responsible for the quality of more than 50,000 measures annually. With the help of the digitization of the processes, we unite industry, trade and POS service providers. The processes are accelerated, the implementation can be followed in real time. Industry, trade and POS service providers receive reports on the success of the campaign within 24 hours.

MEAsp2go secures the realization of your window- and pos-campaign and is responsible for quality management, central billing and provides in real time online based performance-documentation, and -evaluation. Digital archived photo documentation and reportings deliver data on execution, quality and budget.

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Bleibtreustraße 38, 10623 Berlin, +49 (30) 3 999 35 -0